Biltong is a delicious delicacy of the country of South Africa and is usually made from beef or game meat.
It is in the same family as jerky, and in many ways, it is similar.
The difference between biltong and beef jerky is that biltong is air-dried, and jerky is baked in the oven at a low temperature.
What is biltong?

Biltong is most commonly made today from beef, primarily because of its widespread availability and lower cost relative to venison.
For the finest cuts, silverside or topside are used.
You can also use other cuts, but they will not have the same texture as those mentioned here.
How to make biltong?
Get a piece of silverside and cut it roughly 20cm – 30cm in length and 1cm to 1.5cm thick.
An essential ingredient in making good old fashioned biltong has got to be fresh ground coriander – what else could beat its wonderful citrus-like scent!?
To accentuate the taste even more, add salt and freshly cracked black peppercorns (the usual spices).
No biltong marinade is complete without vinegar as it adds a fruity sourness to the meat that cures with every minute of drying.
Vinegar gives your taste buds something new to look forward to, and its natural ability softens up tough meats into those juicy steaks you love so much!
Rub your meat with the vinegar and dust it with your spices before you hang it in a biltong case or if it is winter, a well-ventilated area to dry for 3 to 5 days.
What is jerky?

Beef jerky is a type of snack food made by marinating beef in a curing solution and baking it at low heat.
The meat becomes flavorful, has an extended shelf life, and tastes fantastic!
How to make jerky?
Take one pound of fresh lean ground beef and mix it with two tablespoons of soy sauce, one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, one teaspoon black pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon onion powder.
Ensure not to over-mix this mixture or handle it too much because that will make the meat tough when dried out.
Next, put on gloves and add two teaspoons of liquid smoke (optional), then add salt as needed if desired; start at 1/4 teaspoon until you have perfected your preferred flavour profile.
Mix the beef mixture well with your gloved hands and shape the beef into a log shape.
Place beef in the freezer for four hours to firm up beef.
Now cut the beef into 1/4″ strips (thinner is better) with either a very sharp knife or an electric meat slicer if you have one available.
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and bake it till it loses about 50% of its weight.